Botanika Lab, is a brand of phytopreparations and dietary supplements composed on the basis of organic extracts from herbs and medicinal plants. Our offer is addressed to all who want to take care of their health based on products of purely plant origin. Modern pharmacy is based mostly on synthetic substances produced in specialized laboratories. The raw materials for their production are chemical substances produced by complex industrial processes. Our philosophy is to use active substances produced in the most advanced laboratories – plants. Obtaining these substances and composing products with their participation has become our DNA. Our products are the fruit of many years of international research into plant substances that exhibit strong therapeutic effects on the human body.

Botanika Lab is 100% natural products, free of artificial additives, gluten and GMOs, created on the basis of selected plant extracts containing high concentrations of active substances, whose synergistic action has been confirmed by a number of studies. You don’t have to look for innovations or constantly chase novelties. What is right for you and your health is at your fingertips. In our offer you will find a variety of products demonstrating a range of health-promoting properties. Botanika Lab brand products are made in a production facility certified to prove the quality of our products: FSSC 22000, GMP+ and EKO.
If you are interested in expanding your assortment with Botanika Lab products, please contact us by phone at +48 601 161 398. We invite herbal stores, health food stores, natural medicine stores, as well as beauty stores to cooperate with us.

Contract manufacturing and wholesale of raw materials
If you are interested in creating your own brand of hemp products (white label) or are interested in buying in bulk, please call us at +48 884 600 048 or use the contact form.